Monday, June 20, 2022

Fighting the journey to go down that rabbit hole of despair....


You know the drill. You think one bad thing. Then another and before you know it, you are deep in an inconsolable hole of self-pity, doubt, and despair. For years my hubby has told me to just STOP it. Easy for him to say; however, I have been guilty of telling others the same thing. Just STOP it. Well, I'm a true believer now. 

I am happy to share this method of controlling depression. Note: I did not say that we can control what feelings come in to our minds. All we can control is how we feel about those thoughts. Pretty amazing stuff, if you ask me.

I share with my clients and students the circle of control. Try it with me. Put your arms in a big circle above your head. Who is IN that circle? You, of course. That is all you can control. You cannot control anyone or anything else. You can, though, control how you perceive others and their actions. You can decide to despair and be sad OR you can decide it is what it is. You don't have to allow the thought to manipulate your emotions. You can control those. Remember, the circle of control.

A second piece of advice I am following myself, is to do something when you start ruminating negativity. Do something physical. Today I colored in my new coloring book for adults. It calmed me and as I colored in short strokes on the paper, I felt a calmness enter my being. I began to relax and experience some inner peace. 

Many physical things help in this way. It doesn't hurt to dance to music as you clean the house. You can do the dishes listening to salsa music. You can sway to the oldies but goodies as you fold the laundry. You are in control of you now and forever. Take the time to love yourself enough to ensure a calm and peaceful inner you.

Many blessings to you on this difficult, but achievable, journey to peace!
