Monday, December 20, 2021

 Bah, humbug! Christmas Spirit?

Actually, this is the very first time in my life that I have not had an ounce of that traditional frenzy and Christmas joy in my heart. Don't get me wrong. I know the religious aspect and I honor that and I thank God for being my redeemer, although at times I am not sure I have strong faith; however, with the commercialization of Christmas, excuse me, Xmas, Christ is lost in the frenzy to decorate, bake, entertain, shop, and cook. 

This year I have taken a Christmas Joy sabbatical. I focused my efforts on my amazing students - high school teens who are immigrants to our country. The newest of these received stockings filled with treats from the Dollar Tree (thanking God for that store). One told me he had never received a stocking, although he is from a country that is predominantly Catholic. Another said he had never felt such joy in a classroom as when he entered mine. That's MY joy at Christmas. That feeling that when students walk through the portals to our classroom they find unconditional love, safety, and goodness. 

So have I forsaken my family at this glorious time of year? On the contrary, most will not even realize that I've been absent. Hubby did all the gifts and I do mean all, except we are not exchanging gifts (his idea). I did no decorations at home, rather beautified my classroom where it was appreciated and applauded. I think some students didn't even have a tree - yes, these were Christian students. Much less gifts. I made beautiful Christmas cards via Blue Mountain Cards and ordered matching envelopes. In the process now of purchasing movie tickets to insert and send out this week to all 75 of my students. 

Yes, and I did teach. We learned about the Native American culture and how beautiful their customs are - not specifically to holidays, just the general beliefs. We learned about fathers and what constituted a good father and what bad fathers do. We agreed that all fathers have both good and bad in them. We watched the movie "Smoke Signals" and learned about life. It was good. It was calm. It was blessed. The week flew by. Nary a discipline problem in our room. Just a feeling of joy and love. Yes, I believe that is Christmas. 

I am also not cooking a Christmas dinner. Instead we are going to my sister's house. The grown men I gave birth to are planning their separate Christmas, which is great, as I will probably see them for dessert one day at their homes. So I don't have to decorate, cook, wrap gifts, or even send out cards if I don't want to. I am free. I am free to love, live, and be grateful for the long life I've lived, for the gifts of beautiful students, innocent and precious grandchildren, and the opportunity to make a difference - at least that is the plan.

Peace and joy be with you this season. You do have choices. The past does not have to rule you. You are in charge! Have a blessed and merry Christmas.

Christmas past when I was dark-haired and sister visited. Christmas present I have white hair and sister lives five minutes from me. Joy is having a person love you no matter what you do, say, or believe. I truly love my sister and she loves me. I am blessed beyond belief.